The nuclear power head plate is a critical component of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), located at the top of the reactor.
The nuclear power head plate is a critical component of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), located at the top of the reactor. It plays a key role in sealing high-pressure coolant (15-16 MPa), isolating radiation, and withstanding prolonged high-temperature conditions (300-350°C). The forging technology used in its production directly impacts the safety and service life of nuclear power plants, with a designed lifespan of at least 60 years.
Low-alloy high-strength steel: SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1 (ASTM standard) or 16MND5 (European standard), among others.
Customizable as per requirements. Typical dimensions: Diameter Φ4-8 m, Thickness 200-500 mm.
B-2007,Chuanmei Building,Taishan Street,Taian City,Shandong, China
+86 0538 6368027
Email :Sales@tiptopforging.com